Archive for May, 2009

Super quick note to let y’all know i’m still alive

Tuesday, May 5th, 2009 | Pete Stuff | Comments Off on Super quick note to let y’all know i’m still alive

So I KNOW its been ages since i’ve posted and i don’t have a ton of time right now to go into the gorey details – but a LOT has been going on and it all explains why my last post was about old concert tickets i found.. Reader’s digest version is after 17 years at Apple I had another opportunity present itself that I just couldn’t resist.. So about a month ago i left the mother ship, took a few weeks break, and two weeks ago i started working at Industrial Light and Magic… I’m working in their RnD group helping look over some of their software development process… Not only is it a cool place to work with brilliant people making really cool movies but i get to work about 10 minutes drive from home with a view of the Golden Gate Bridge… I’m still feeling kind of overwhealmed – but in my favorite kind of way.. Learning a lot every day..

So thats the big news… Also been doing a lot around the house and trying to focus on relaxing and being a little more well rounded… Started taking Yoga classes with kevin during those weeks off and we’re still doing it ( Bikram Yoga actually )… Also are taking a meditation class once a week… We’ll see if i keep it up long term but i’m digging it right now…

So things are good but busy… I’ll try to post more but probably the best thing to do is watch the right hand side – thats where the twitter updates go which i update more frequently than my blog these days (short tweets are easier than long posts)…

more later

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