It never ends

Monday, September 22nd, 2003 | Pete Stuff

So the weekend was crazy… Water heater went out AGAIN Sunday.. Turned out guy downstairs had gas work done saturday that blew out the pilot but you can imagine the look on my face when I woke up to cold water again..

Saturday was a company Picnic for kevin’s company and then a birthday party for my ex.. Both were actually reasonably fun. Got to see Lance’s sisters who are both very nice and I hadn’t seen since the break up.

Got a LOT done yesterday though and the house is starting to look normal again though. We spent the day yesterday avoiding the heat and working on the garage. Kevin built shelves into our storage space while I organized the crap and put it all away. Then made plans for the den… Place is actually coming back together. My desk faces out the window to the street now which is very nice cuz I can see people walking by and see the birds. Funny part is that I think the neighbors think I’m watching them – my monitor is hidden (cuz I don’t like people seeing my computers from the street) so it looks like I’m just sitting at the window staring out for no good reason. Not checking them out though – for real. Do catch a glance from time to time but honestly – not all that interesting.

Anyway. nuff of this.. Need to be as productive today at work as I was at home this weekend so no more blogging for me today..

over and out