Self Respect

Friday, October 17th, 2003 | Giggles

I just found this while reading the Southern California Law Blog:

FIJI Faces Hazing Lawsuit

Before anyone smacks me – I KNOW that this is an exception not the rule and that not all greek houses do this. probably just a very small percentage these days and probably even fewer that do it on this scale. But JEEEEZZZZ. I think a house that pulls this kind of shit should NEVER be let back on campus and that the members responsible be held PERSONALLY accountable. But my real question is what personal issues are going on here that would cause an individual to go through ALL of that before just telling the the actives to piss off. Is joining that house really worth that kind of humiliation and abuse? A little self respect goes a long way and keeps ya out of some bad situations..

1 Comment to Self Respect

October 19, 2003

Interesting story – and as someone who seriously considered FIJI – I don’t know what to think. I doubt this is an isolated incident – and while members of the Greek system may say that hazing does not occur, I seriously doubt that hazing has been abolished nationwide.

When one considers rushing, the hazing of rookies goes with the territory. This is mild in comparison to what pledges at my school had to endure.