Another Cool Geek Tool

Monday, October 10th, 2005 | Geek Stuff

In doing my usual blog browsing over lunch I found another cool tool out there thanks to web graphics. Xyle scope is a pretty nifty tool for examining and understanding how Style Sheets fit together on blogs. It allows you to view a site and its associated style sheets and understand what styles apply to what elements. You simply point it at a site and it displays the site on the left side and the styles on the right side. It gives you a bunch of different views into the whole style sheet as well as, when in selection mode, understand what styles are being used to display a given element. MAN I could have used this a few weekends ago when I was dorking around with my styles…


1 Comment to Another Cool Geek Tool

October 11, 2005

When it grows up it’ll have a Windows version 😉