A few movies worth seeing….

Sunday, February 4th, 2007 | Random Morsels

Killed some time with movies over the past few days and figured I’d pass along:

Pan’s Labyrinth – Saw this one with Drew and Adrian on Thursday night. Its a REALLY well done movie in Spanish about a little girl’s fantasy world that she uses to get her through a really horrible childhood after in post war spain.. The cinematography is gorgeous, the characters are facinating, and the story was great – a really interesting adult take on a child’s fantasy world…

Sophie Scholl: The Final Days – This movie is about the last days of Sophie Scholl (duh) who was part of a group of students during nazi Germany who opposed Hitler and the National Socialists. The Movie starts with their last leaflet distribution and arrests and follows her through her jailing, ‘trial’ (not much of a trial), and execution. The movie was really well done and thought provoking. I found it particularly interesting the charges against them including ‘demoralizing the troops’ (sound familiar to anyone? Hmmmm)… Very worth seeing.