SUCH a dork

Saturday, February 10th, 2007 | Giggles


Originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF.

So far I’ve had a completely geeky weekend… Its been raining cats and dogs here so i’ve used that as an excuse to stay inside and be a geek. Last night after my chiropractor appointment I cooked myself some dinner then spent the evening playing with my new camera taking pictures of some film stock and an old film reel I broght home. Its a little pet project of mine for something i’m working on at work..

Then today – well I cleaned the house some and then spent the afternoon figuring out how to set up a QuickTime live video stream. The goal here is so that my dad can broadcast his wedding for family that can’t make it but the fact is i’ll use any excuse to learn how to do new things like this.. So now I’m able to stream video from my living room out to the web which is kinda cool.. Sorry – not gonna put it in a public space (can’t have people spyin on me) but its still kinda cool… 🙂

Question is what does my day have in store for me tomorrow… Probably more work and a little more geekey tasks..