
Acceptance or Phobes

Friday, February 29th, 2008 | Gay Stuff | Comments Off on Acceptance or Phobes

Ok.. So maybe I’m being too sensitive.. but i’ve seen a couple of things in the media lately that have really bugged me.. The first is this video floating around by Jimmy Kimmel as a response to the I f-ed Matt Damon video that his lady did (I’m not gonna link to it but just search YouTube and you’ll find it). So I know its intended to be funny and they’ll say they didn’t mean anything by it.. But to me it came across an awful lot like white actors doing black face back in the day.

The other case was on Make me a Supermodel (I’ve gotten sucked into it by Kevin – kind of like watching a train wreck..). Last night there was a scene where one of the guys decided to start calling two of the other guys on the show gay and women. There is a lot of back story that makes it not entirely surprising that it happened – this guy seemed to be having his masculinity threatened by some of the modeling stuff and having his gay roommate hitting on him. But regardless the producers and editors found it an interesting thing to show but kind of presented it in a ‘well thats not cool but its no big deal’ kind of way which I thought was shitty. It really rung awful similar to people calling us ‘fag’ in high school and then brushing it off…

It just feels some times like because we’ve gotten some more acceptance in the media we’ve also made it OK to parody but they haven’t quite figured out when parody is actually funny and when its just obnoxious…

Anyway – I’m probably just being silly but it bugged me…

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