Archive for April, 2007


Thursday, April 19th, 2007 | Giggles | Comments Off on I’m EXHAUSTED

Awww.. our cool Banner

Originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF.

Uggg… SUCH a long week… On Saturday I flew to Las Vegas for NAB and i’m just now leaving – and not a minute too soon… The show was outstanding – we announced a bunch of new products. A new version of Final Cut Studio including new versions of Final Cut Pro, Cinema Tools, Motion, Soundtrack Pro, DVD Studio Pro as well as launching 2 new products – Color and FInal Cut Server…. And everything went off very well – i’m always amazed at the things that people are into… But at any rate – all very good..

But then there’s Vegas… I HATE Vegas… I hate it in just about every way. The Casinos make me crazy.. The waste makes me nuts.. I long for natural light and quiet. The wierd part is I had a fine time. Hung out with co-workers, had LOTS of good food (which was VERY Expensive), and probably had a little too much to drink. But I’m SO Ready to go home.. And the funny thing is that i’m sitting in the airport from hell where it took me a good 40 or 45 minutes to just get through security.. Guess they want you to remember the good things..

Anyway – I can’t WAIT to get home… sleep in my own bed.. Sit in silence..

nuff ranting… i’m logging out and gonna read a book! 🙂