Archive for April, 2006

Easter Weekend

Sunday, April 16th, 2006 | Giggles | Comments Off on Easter Weekend

Easter Dinner

Originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF.

In celebration of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (wow – I almost got through that without giggling) we went up to my Parents’ house in Sacramento with Matt, Brian, Audrey and Jamie. We went up Saturday morning and spent the day, night and Sunday morning up there hanging out.. It was really nice to get away and, unlike last year, the traffic up and back actually wasn’t too bad.

We got up there round lunch time on Saturday and spent the day cooking and decorating Easter eggs. Jamie came up a little later with his dog Reggie who turned out to be a great playmate for my ‘rents dog Bodie is a yellow lab puppy and went NUTS over reggie – we really couldn’t get him to calm down with reggie around – it was too funny…

Easter dinner was actually saturday night (leave it to us to re-schedule easter at a convenient time for us) and then we had strawberry cobbler and watched The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe…

This morning we got up and had breakfast and then went out to Folsom lake to run the dogs again..

Anyway – fun weekend.. now just catching up before the weekend’s over and bootcamp tomorrow AM…

More pictures are on Matt and Brian’s site..


Friday, April 7th, 2006 | Pete Stuff | 3 Comments

So Kevin and I just started doing this Boot Camp SF thing on monday (not to be confused with Apple’s Boot Camp) The program started Monday and is 4 days a week (M, T, Th, F) at 6am in Golden Gate Park. So far it seems really cool but – OH MY GOD – its KICKING MY ASS…

Monday wasn’t bad – just stretching and fitness testing (body fat, pushups, situps, etc.).. But Tuesday was the 1.5 Mile run and then Stairs for the rest of the time. Oh my GOD – I was SO SORE yesterday. I was actually kinda proud of myself – I managed to do all the running without stopping (the stairs was on the edge of stopping – but I survived).. Really surprised myself though – figured i’d drop far sooner…… And then today we did all this strength training including LOTS of running, jumping, and rolling around in the sand.

and then there’s the whole changed diet thing to go along with it.

this is gonna kill me… I”m gonna be walking funny for weeks… But its gonna be really good at the end..

But DAMN! 🙂