Archive for December, 2005

Christmas Time

Thursday, December 29th, 2005 | Pete Stuff | 3 Comments

Just got back from my Christmas excursions and figured I’d drop y’all a quick update… I had a great holiday for the most part… Kevin and I had to go separate places this year which was a shame (he was with his family in North Carolina and I was with part of mine in Nebraska) and UPS did a pretty spectacular job of fucking things up (not a SINGLE BOX that was guaranteed on time actually was – pretty impressive in its own way) but in general it all was very nice.

Like I said, Kevin left last Tuesday to spend a few days in North Carolina with his family and the following friday I flew out to Omaha to spend Christmas with my dad and Grandma. My grandma just moved into new digs so we spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with her. Did a little shopping Christmas Eve and went to the Omaha Zoo on the day after. Also got to goo meet up with my buddy Scott Christmas night and went to The Maxx (a big gay bar in Omaha)… Overall a very nice trip! ๐Ÿ™‚

When we both got back into town we turned around and headed out to spend some time with my mom, step dad, sister, her boyfriend, and my step sister.. Was really nice as well. Went to dinner on the 27th at a cool restaurant in Sacramento (little drama with a bitch of a hostess but REALLY good food and a cool place).. Then had a second Christmas the next morning…

Overall a really good holiday… now glad to be back at home relaxing and watching Lost (never seen it before – CREEPY show! :))

Oh.. And here are some pictures from both trips.. Some good shots in there of the family (lots of me in this one – other people had the camera this go-round :):) )

(Update: Here are some pix from the Omaha Zoo)

Ford does the right thing.

Wednesday, December 14th, 2005 | Gay Stuff | Comments Off on Ford does the right thing.

After a lot of drama, word of mouth, and conjecture it looks, based on an article in 365Gay.COM, like Ford Motor company has stepped up and issued a statement indicating that they will continue to advertise in the gay press.

Gay Ads Back On Track For Ford
by Newscenter Staff

(Washington) Ford Motor Company on Wednesday agreed to almost all demands from LGBT groups following a hastily organized meeting earlier this week with the company over a claim by the American Family Association that the company had made a pact with it to end support of the LGBT community.

The only place where they hedged, according to the article, seemed understandible to me – business conditions often dictate that they can’t always continue to support all the same events and causes from year to year.

Once again, people are stepping up and doing the right thing. (The lure of the GLTB’s $610 billion a year buying power definitely doesn’t hurt i’m sure! :):))

So I have to stand up and thank Ford for its statement! :)… Thanks a lot – and in return Kevin’s all giddy to go car shopping!

Bad Morals in the Press

Wednesday, December 14th, 2005 | Gay Stuff | Comments Off on Bad Morals in the Press

I just read this article on 365gay.COM today and it irritated the SHIT out of me:

Suit Seeks Publication Of Names, Pictures Of Mayor’s Gay Chat Buddies

by The Associated Press

(Spokane, Washington) The Spokesman-Review newspaper is asking a judge to rethink his decision not to allow the release of photographs รขโ‚ฌโ€ from a gay Web site รขโ‚ฌโ€ found on the city-owned laptop computer of recalled Mayor James E. West.

What possible valid reason could have for needing the names and pictures of the people this Mayor was talking to? While the people who have profiles on Gay.COM surely don’t expect absolute privacy when posting a profile to a site like this, i’m sure many weren’t aware they were talking to a public figure and regardless none would have expected to be part of the public record…

Smacks of a witch hunt to me… ‘Are you or are anyone you know now, or have ever been, a member of the homosexual party’….


Three great movies

Sunday, December 11th, 2005 | Random Morsels | Comments Off on Three great movies

This weekend was a weekend full of movies… Friday night was Brokeback Mountain… Oh my GOD… SUCH A good movie – I REALLY Enjoyed it. Not a feel good movie but really well done. The story was fantastic, the cinematography was stunning, and Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal did an exceptional job. Both of those guys did an AMAZING job portraying a couple who is truely in love and all of the awful things that came along with it for them. I can’t say that I’d recommend that everyone see it – it isn’t necessarily for the hard core ‘phobes. But to anyone else that doesn’t go in with their own agenda will walk away really getting how much these two loved each other and how hard it is to live in a world that can’t accept that… Uggggg… SO GOOD..

Then Saturday night Jamie and I went and saw Wild at Heart with Nicholas Cage and Laura Dern (among MANY others)… This was a David Lynch movie in all its glory… REALLY Fucked up story of a paroled ‘manslaughterer’ (Nicholas Cage) who breaks parole and drives across country with his girlfriend (Laura Dern), having sex at every opportunity, and avoiding the hit man her mom (Diane Ladd) sends after them… It is just twisted but really good..

Then tonight we went to see The Chronicles of Narnia. This was a book that I read MANY times when I was a kid so I was dying to see it – as a result I drug Kevin to see it after a LONG day of shopping. We were really exhausted so I wasn’t sure if I’d make it – but I did and I’m so glad I did.. There have been a couple of film versions of this prior to this one which all REALLY sucked.. But this one was actually really good – I really liked it.. The talking animals were a little distracting but I wrote that off to just not being used to animals talking. But they really couldn’t have done it without them (thats the whole moive)… Over all it was a fantastic movie..

But the winner for the weekend is definitely Brokeback Mountain.. That one is gonna win awards!.. ๐Ÿ™‚

Life’s Rough

Sunday, December 11th, 2005 | Giggles | Comments Off on Life’s Rough


Originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF.

Just had to share… I helped kevin move some shit for work today and sat down at his desk while he was finished up… Looked to my right and this is what I saw… This is the view from his desk. CRAZY.. Apple needs to move to the city.. jeesh.. ๐Ÿ™‚


Thursday, December 8th, 2005 | Pete Stuff | 1 Comment

There are two movies coming out this weekend that I can’t WAIT to see… And, according to metacritic, they both are gonna be GREAT.. I was totally torn as to which one to see first but the big homo in me won out over the big kid in me… So Friday night its this:

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