Archive for June, 2009

Weekend update

Sunday, June 14th, 2009 | Pete Stuff | Comments Off on Weekend update

Just a quick update for a Sunday as I hide in the bedroom from the painters… One of the many projects we have going on is having the upstairs painted… They’re almost done and its going to look HOT but in the mean time our place looks like construction site AGAIN (i’m getting good at living in shrapnel)… All of our stuff is heaped in the center of every room with big plastic tarps over them. I’ll post pictures when its done though (once its put back together of course)
Aside from that not much to report sadly. Work is going pretty well though I’ve got TONS that i need to be doing it and, sadly, there is only 24 hours in every day and Kevin informs me I have to spend at least a couple of those hours sleeping and eating. Ah well.
And one more thing – just for fun… A friend of mine from college sent some REALLY OLD pictures he found of a ski trip to breck… SCARY but its me and some really shiny purple Oakleys… SCARY…
thats it for now… off to a party… more later

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