Archive for May, 2007

Checking in

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2007 | Giggles | Comments Off on Checking in

Originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF.

Ok.. I know its been a few days (weeks?) since i’ve checked in… No excuses just stuff…

So lets see – whats been going on? Well… Kevin’s back… yup – I got a call while I was in vegas from him asking when my flight got in to SFO from Vegas… Couldn’t figure out why he cared until I he told me he had timed out on Buenos Aires and was coming home.. Not entirely surprised – he was acting a little like he was done with the traveling when he came back the first time so I figured he might not last the full two months.. Which is fine by me – its definitely nice to have him home..

So that was 2 weeks ago tomorrow (the 19th)… That Saturday Alex and I had planned to have some folks over for Alex’s famous Fajitas so Kevin got to join in for the fun.. It was actually really fun.. We had about 10 people over to hang out and eat.. Alex did all the cooking and I got to be his sous-chef and the rest got to hang out and be social… Was very cool – pictures are here in case you’re interested..

Then there was a week of work… wee ha..

Then last weekend we decided to be TOTALLY MELLOW… Friday night was movie night… Saturday was brunch with Tom and Garrett, some exploring in Hayes Valley (thus the picture to the left), and then a really good dinner at Matt and Brian’s.. Then sunday was chores..

wow.. when did I become so boring? 🙂 Guess i’ll have to make up for it this weekend… Or maybe I’ll just hold out till we go scuba diving in the caymans in a week and a half! :):)


more soon…