New Place

Monday, March 31st, 2003 | Giggles

I’ve been getting a lot of people asking for pictures of the place kevin and I bought and this seems like a good place to plop a link to ’em… In case y’all weren’t aware, back in January K and I bought a new place in Duboce triangle here in the city… Cool old place that was built in 1890… Got old bones and a lot of style.. I’m really proud of it.. haven’t had a lot of time to work on it but thats OK .. That will come in time…

Anyway – here are links to the pix of it:

New Digs

(NOTE: those pictures have the furnature in it from the guys we bought it from – Some are the listing pix and some I took when we closed – but I promise to take a few with our stuff in it soon..)