Oh my LORD

Tuesday, June 17th, 2003 | Pete Stuff

Workout KICKED my ASS today and I don’t think it was just the routine we did… Matt and I are trying a new routine that we stole from one of Kevin’s books and it seems really good so far – all about compound super sets which seems to be a good thing.. But part of the deal is going straight from one set of one muscle group to a set of another, 90 seconds rest – then back.. So, for example, 12-15 One Arm Rows then 12-15 incline dumbell presses, 90 seconds rest and repeat – 3 sets of this… Then on to the next.. Seems to be a good thing but a switch from our more liesurely routine we were doing before and today it zapped me…

I think part of the problem too is that I’m trying to work on my diet a little too (summer swimsuit weather after all! ;)) so I probably didn’t have enough fuel! 🙂 Gotta remember to make sure there is something in my stomach before I work out..

Anyway.. Suppose i should get my act together… Just thought I’d share… 😉

1 Comment to Oh my LORD

June 18, 2003

I’m using that type of workout. It kills you, but it works.