Happy PRIDE! ;)

Saturday, June 28th, 2003 | Gay Stuff

If ya live in San Francisco and believe in God then you’ve GOT to know he’s smilin on us.. Cuz, once again this year, the weather for Gay Pride weekend is AMAZING…. We went to a birthday party for my friend Andy last night then came home and went for a walk through the Castro with Stephen and Troy… It was a warm WONDERFUL evening in the city… Warm enough to walk around in shorts… And EVERYONE was out and about … The city is full of folks from around the country/world right now for gay pride and they were all out last night… There were people all over the place and lines for EVERYTHING… It was nuts – and great…

Today is no different… Bright.. warm.. sunny… and people are all over the place… I got up kinda early to get ready for the electricians who are working on the house… Then, while kevin was at the gym, I walked down to Peets to get my morning fix… Then wandered around t he ‘stro and went to brunch at Luna with Kevin…. Now we’re chilling at home (he’s walking that painter guy on TV … and antiques road show)… Gonna hit the Gym with Matt to get ready for our evening..

Later tonight we’re going over to Bill and Matt’s for Matt’s Birthday… Then on to ReUNION to… The castro will be teeming with people for Pink saturday but I’ve done that before… Tomorrow we’ll probably go to to the festival and then kevin is whispering about wanting to go to Fresh..

Anyway – just checkin in before we get in too much trouble! :):)

Happy PRIDE! :):)