Focus on the REAL problem

Tuesday, August 12th, 2003 | Gay Stuff

And they’re worried about US adopting?

Arrests In Child Cancer Scam

Maybe people fighting gay marriage and adoption should focus on the existing parents that are doing crap like THIS… Jeesh…

2 Comments to Focus on the REAL problem

August 12, 2003

omg – that is the most awful thing I’ve read since…since I don’t know when. Oh my geesus, that poor little girl! All for the sake of a few bucks?!? Fuck that – I’d have given them $10K to NOT do that to her.

That poor, sweet little girl. That’s so sad.

August 12, 2003

That’s disgusting! That poor girl will always be able to top anybody’s bad-childhood stories… “Oh, yeah? Well, my parents told me I had cancer, shaved my head, drugged me, and sent me to death counseling. Top that!”