Simple Pleasantries

Tuesday, September 16th, 2003 | Random Morsels

Ok… So can i recommend a few things that everyone could try that would make the world a much nicer place to be in (and make me not feel like smackin people upside the head on my way to work)?

  • When you see someone signaling to change lanes – slow up and let them do it.
  • When you see someone trying to get out of their garage on a busy street slow down and let them out – don’t swerve into on coming traffic to make sure you get past them first
  • When someone slows to let you change lanes – just wave a quick thank you
  • When you walk into a building with someone close behind you – hold the door.
  • When you pass someone on the street smile…

None of these things will slow you down more than a fraction of a second and sure will make someone’s day…
(Needless to say – It took a line of traffic passing to get out of my garage today, had 3 people speed up to stop me from getting off at my exit, another scowel at me when I finally switched lanes… And i’m usually a really aggresive driver…)
Happy Tuesday

5 Comments to Simple Pleasantries

September 16, 2003

Oh…I could go on and on about this topic (and I have though my blog), but I digress. Let me just say, though: it all boils down to consideration for others…something that I think a great many people lack. Maybe you should start a “finishing school” for our fellow citizens, Pete. I’d be happy to be a substitute teacher.

September 16, 2003

Yea.. I remember your post – and the guy in the office next to me heard a loud ‘Amen Brother’… and then today I decided it was worth reiterating after a few… er… um.. incidents! 😉

September 16, 2003

You got a big, hearty ‘amen, brother-man’ from this mama.

September 16, 2003

If we had slept in and skipped working out, your day would have been totally different! I blame me!

September 16, 2003

Actually – had we skipped the gym I wouldn’t have had that plesant smile on my face as I flipped that woman off for cutting me off then ran her off the road! :)…

I do blame you for all sorts of stuff though… part of the joy of our friendship – RIGHT? 🙂