Hot water

Wednesday, September 17th, 2003 | Pete Stuff

Uggg… Hot water heater is busted.. water ALL over the garage… Guess I’m showering at the Gym today! :\

MAN This home ownership thing is all SORTS of fun…

3 Comments to Hot water

September 17, 2003

You know…the water heater is one of those things I’m just waiting to go out on us. I hear all these horror stories about them and I guess I’m looking for the other shoe to fall any day now. Ugh…thanks, Pete!

September 17, 2003

Yea.. Well I gotta tell ya – not fun.. LOT of water all over the floor and I’m learning a lot about city codes for bracing water heaters in earthquake country..

up shot is the water heater guy is this really nice rasta lookin guy with huge dreadlocks that sings as he works.. 🙂

September 17, 2003

Oh yeah…and just wait until you have to call Roto-Rooter when your plumbing backs up. Now THAT’S a treat! We were only in the house a month when that happened. (Fingers crossed that it doesn’t happen anytime soon!)