Monday, December 22nd, 2003 | Random Morsels

Just had an earthquake. Far as I can tell a little one since Kevin couldn’t feel it at his office in the city but we could definitely feel it here in Cupertino… LOVE earthquakes – least the small ones – bigger ones aren’t as much fun.. ya know when things fall on folks – thats bad.. but the little ones are kinda like home delivered roller coasters! 🙂

UPDATE: Seems it was a 6.4 centered in San Simeon CA (south of here). 6.4 is pretty good sized so i’m guessing there was damage down there – bummer. But it was just kinda movin and shakin up here!

UPDATE 2: Watch here for the after shocks as they come in (and DAMN there has been a bunch of ’em – all around San Simeon.

Update 3: Ok.. now not so fun… Looks like it did a lot of damage and 2 people died! :(:(… 6.5 that you can feel from San Simeon to Cupertino is never good… I’ll shut up now! 🙁

2 Comments to Woo HOOOO

December 22, 2003

yuk, my aunt lives in Paso Robles, her house is trashed!

December 22, 2003

Yea – I kinda changed my mind about the cool thing once I realized it was big and far away.. Was kinda hopin it was one of those small fun ones close by – not nearly as cool when its as big enough to feel from San Simeon