My Play Day

Friday, May 28th, 2004 | Pete Stuff

So I’m spending my play day bein a complete slug… Not doing much of anything really and I love it… Slept in… Got coffee and a breakfast bagel from Jumpin Java… Watched a few episodes of The West Wing… Had lunch with Craig… Bought a Smiths album (they’re not on the iTunes music store damn it! ;))…

Now I’m sitting here watching Love! Valour! Compassion!. If you haven’t seen it go rent it.. SERIOUSLY.. Its a fantastic movie… One of the few that make me tear up every time I see it… Its a great movie about the realities of relationships and friendships.. Its about a group of gay men in the northeast but its really universal..

enough already.. back to my lazy day

2 Comments to My Play Day

May 29, 2004

You have to let me know the next time you’re home on a weekday so we can do some “daddy training.”

(Or, more accurately, so that I can have a lazy day myself…)

May 30, 2004

Smiths rule!!!