Disabled email addys

Monday, August 23rd, 2004 | Blog Stuff

I’ve disabled my comments sections from displaying people’s email addresses… I had the ‘protect spam’ setting set before but a buddy got a strange email to his email referencing my blog which caused me to worry. Upon poking around I realized the protect against spam setting in MT didn’t do much that a novice engineer couldn’t code around… So now i’ll display a link to your blog if you post but not to your email address.. I still require email addresses (just as a basic level of security against the fucking blog spammers) but I don’t show ’em..

happy monday! 🙂

2 Comments to Disabled email addys

August 29, 2004

awwwwww, the duck/duclking pictures below are so sad but also kind of funny hehe

September 1, 2004

OMG, the bots anger me!