Saturday, September 17th, 2005 | Blog Stuff

So i’ve spent way too long farting around with my site layout and so far look what I’ve come up with… NOTHING… I’ve managed to get my picture display up top back up (and added the ability to rotate these images randomly with some PHP magic I found on we web) but aside from that I have YET to come up with anything I can deal with.. I kind of like the general form of this layout but its really just one of the MT standard layouts without much variation… I’d like to find something more me… better colors… simple and clean..

Anyway.. just whining… shows everyone has their skills and i’ve got one or two but none of ’em have ANYTHING to do with makin things purdy… Ah well…

1 Comment to Design skills COMPLETELY LACKING

September 19, 2005

I think it looks GREAT, Pete. If you need any design stuff, look no further. (After all, you helped me with the tech stuff I couldn’t do for myself.) I’d be happy to help if you need it.