Happy flippin new years

Wednesday, January 4th, 2006 | Pete Stuff

Ugggg… So New Years eve was supposed to be mellow… ended up having a couple of friends over to hang out and celebrate rather than going out and dealing with parties, crowds, and all that mess.. Unfortunately, right round noon on Satruday I started feeling like crap. As it turned out I came down with the same damn flu (or cold, or crepping crud, or whatever) that ruined Kevin’s Christmas… I managed to struggle through new years eve without being too much of a martyr (although Kevin did most of the work) but new years day through today I’ve been down for the count… And I feel really sorry for Kevin cuz MAN am I a baby when I’m sick..

Anyway… I’m starting to feel slightly better though I’m still layin low for fear this bitch will come back and smack me again… But I sure do appreciate kevin putting up with my crap…

But seriously – Happy new Years folks! :):)

1 Comment to Happy flippin new years

blake seely
January 4, 2006

Ugh, same here. I was fine until the night of the 1st – then spent all day yesterday with a horrible fever. Starting to feel better today, but crap, I still don’t feel very good.