
Monday, February 6th, 2006 | Giggles


Originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF.

This past weekend Kevin and I flew out to Colorado to surprise my little sis for her birthday. Weekend was a little too short but a lot of fun. We got in late friday night and then dropped in on her at around midnight (thanks to her boyfriend Nick’s scheeming) and surprised her in her bunny slippers (or – rather – snow man slippers)…

The next morning we got up and had brunch and then spent the rest of the day driving up in the mountains. We went up Flagstaff mountain first to show Kevin the view of Boulder. After that we headed up to Estes park and saw a freaky Elk with mutant horns (see the flickr photos for more)…

Saturday night we went out to dinner with our brother Jason and his wife Jacki at a restaurant near our hotel – after that we had WAY too much to drink at the bar in our hotel (the St. Julien).. Was a lot of fun as you can see by the picture…

Sunday we had a hangover lunch and then went out to Erie Colorado to see Jason and Jacki’s new house as well as Jacki’s mom’s new house…

We then ended the night with dinner with Katie and Nick and crashed early so we could make a REALLY EARLY flgiht back today..

Weekend was a LOT of fun – sometimes I really miss Boulder and REALLY enjoyed spendin time with Katie and Nick…

1 Comment to Lickin

February 7, 2006

I love Estes Park. A long, long time ago back in my hippy days, a few friends and I were there camping and someone got the bright idea that since we all desperately needed showers we should get a room at The Stanley Hotel (the inspiration for The Shining) – just for one night, because that’s all we could afford. We stayed up til the wee hours telling ghost stories until we freaked ourselves right the hell out (“did you just hear that?! RedRum!”) There also was a great funky bar in town on the river called “The Mountain Man” or something. I had a blast on that trip. I’d love to go back, but this time with more money and clean clothes 😉