
Thursday, November 23rd, 2006 | Giggles


Originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF.

I’m sitting here trying to be helpful as Kevin packs for his big adventure and feeling kind of blue.. (OK.. REALLY Blue)… Kevin is taking the opportunity to take a few months off (4 or 5) from work and go to Central and South America to learn Spanish, volunteer, and explore.. Its a really great opportunity and I’m really excited for him.. But now that the day is arriving I’m also really sad that he’s going to be away for so long. His flight leaves tomorrow and he’s not scheduled to be back in town until the end of April. I will be going down to Belize over Christmas to meet him which will be cool (another one of our diving adventures). But till then and after then until April I’m gonna be on my own. It’ll be rough but we’ll be fine (individually and as a couple)…

But ugh – the little kid part of me wants him to stay here and keep me company! 😉

So if any of y’all wanna grab a beer I’ll have lots of free time on my hands… 😉 🙂

2 Comments to Lonesome

November 27, 2006

I’d get a beer with you! ! ! : )

November 27, 2006

Sounds good to me… your town or mine? 🙂