Grossly Normal

Thursday, July 17th, 2008 | Random Morsels

Few notes for a thursday morning….

First, Kevin had his latest oncologist appointment on Monday at which his doctor informed him that he is now “Grossly Normal”. As it turns out that means there is no sign of cancer.. YAY… The PET scan showed no signs of cancer anywhere in his body (let alone at the site of the original Lymphoma)… So a good start to the week..

On other news… well… not much of it really… We’re still trying to get settled into the new digs, sell the old digs, and keep my head above water at work… Only some of which is going at any given point in time…

Will have some other news next week but for the time being i’m just going to tease a little and say something is going on…

(Oh… and I pulled all the silly twitter blog entries from my blog – I decided that that was silly – not to mention when I started playing with loopt I realized I was publishing my comings and goings to anyone who wanted to see – which seemed like poor judgement… :))

Anyway… more later…