Weekly Wrapup

Sunday, April 6th, 2003 | Giggles | 1 Comment

Just stumbled on this weekly wrapup thing and seems kinda silly and fun.. Don’t know if I’ll keep it up but what the hell… Probably give y’all more info on me than ya probably wanted to know..

1. Do you like to sing? Why or why not? Yup… Sure do… Don’t know why – probably something I got from my mom. She sings all the damn time and I think I picked it up from her when we drove from Maryland to California when I was a kid.

2. Where do you like to sing? Why? Usually in the car… Hour long commute to and from work ya gotta find SOMETHING to pass the time! 😉

3. Do you sing in front of people? Why or why not? Not in general but from time to time when I’m feeling silly I will… Don’t in general cuz I’ve got enough background in music to know that I’m REALLY BAD! 😉

4. What’s your favorite song to sing along with? Why? Cats in the Cradle by Harry Chapin… LOVE that song…

5. What song is your guilty singing pleasure? Why? Sound Track from ‘A Chorus Line’… Couldn’t be more Gay – I know.. but I love it.. songs are fun and silly.. Also makes me think of my little sister – when she was in pre-school we listened to that song all the time. So much so that her teacher called my mom one day and said, while she knew where the song came from and it wasn’t a HUGE deal – it probably wasn’t appropriate for a pre-school age girl to be singing ‘Tits and Ass’ (Dance 10 – Looks 3)… Cracks me up…


Sunday, April 6th, 2003 | Soapbox | Comments Off on Arggggg….

FUCK… Someone stole an hour of MY TIME… I HATE Daylight savings… Such an old fashioned thing and it only serves to screw up my schedule twice a year.. I’m sittin in this hotel all proud that I got up bright and early.. then I realized that some bastard stole an hour and now I gotta get movin..


The Strangest place on Earth.

Sunday, April 6th, 2003 | Pete Stuff | Comments Off on The Strangest place on Earth.

So I did it again… Every time I get home from Las Vegas I tell people to SMACK me if I ever talk about coming back for fun agian… So guess where I am right now? Bingo… Las Vegas…. This place is wrong on so many levels I can’t even tell you..

I’m actually here for work ( this week is NAB ) so Randy, Rick, Kevin and I decided to come out the weekend before to play… We’ve actually been having fun so i’m not complaining.. Very little gambling… Lots of shows / good food / dancing / cocktails.. So its been good.. Here’s the basics so far:

First night:
– Dinner at Nobu
– Dancing at Ra
Second Day:
Roller Coaster at New York New York
Freemont Street
– Dinner at Il Fornio
Penn and Teller Show
Big Shot at the Stratosphere

Since we’ve actually had fun I figured I’d share some tips:
– Don’t spend the whole weekend gambling (unless you REALLY like gambling).. You WILL loose money… ya can’t beat the system so don’t try – they’ve been doing this a LONG TIME..
– Get ready for LOTS of bad hair, bad dye jobs, cleavage, slutty outfits, smarmy men, and everything tragic about this city / country.. But its kinda fun.. gives lots of fuel for catty comments..
– If you DO gamble – take advantage of free drinks… Drinks are free as long as you’re at a table! 🙂
– Don’t go to gay bars… I REPEAT… Don’t go to gay bars.. They SUCK ROCKS… Don’t try… No hot boys.. no good music… bad drinks.. bad locations… This is not where the gay boys go – and if they do they don’t go out to the clubs.
– Straight clubs can be fun.. good music.. pretty OK crowds…
– Clubs at the casinos have dress codes – and they hold to it… Smarmy man in a bad suit didn’t let us in to one cuz we weren’t dressed to HIS standards (granted we looked better than he ever could .. but still)… No jeans.. no t-shirts.. no tennis shoes.. no shorts.. etc.
– Bring a watch.. none of the casinos have clocks.. ANYWHERE…
– Force yourself to go outside… they don’t want you to… but there is NO fresh air – even in the rooms – sealed chambers to promote gambling..
– Don’t think to much about where you are.. The city is SO WRONG and is all about what is wrong with this country… greed.. waste… debauchary… But hell… the fact that it can exist – even as fucked up as it is – is also pretty damn cool…

Now back to sin city..


Wednesday, April 2nd, 2003 | Soapbox | 2 Comments

Driving in to work today I passed one of those cars with a big Bush / Cheney banner in the window and I rolled my eyes and caught up to see who was driving. I guess I expected to see a grey haired old man with an angry look on his face, a redneck with a gun rack in the back window, or a sunday school teacher with a jesus-fish hanging from the mirror. This got me thinking… Is it fair / appropriate to assume that anyone that voted for that jackass (and yes – I think Bush is a jackass) is a right wing, christian, war mongering, rich, homophobic, yadda yadda yadda? Or should I be looking deeper…

Then that got me thinking about the other places in my life where I compartmentalizing people based on past experiences or other reasons rather than listening to the content of what people say and what they believe.. I think we all do it and I think it holds us back from seeing different perspectives and perhaps learning… He’s a war monger (just because he can see justification for war), She’s a racist (just because she has drawn conclusions based on race), He’s homophobic (just because he doesn’t believe the church should marry gays), He’s not super sharp (just because he doesn’t understand a piece of technology), yadda yadda yadda.

For example, there is a person that I’ve worked with over the the years and have let myself come to the conclusion that, while a good engineer by and large, this person is very inclined to jump to the conclusion that the problem they are looking at is caused by a catastrophic failure in the application rather than digging deeper to find that there may just be one small failure in an obscure place. As a result I’ve found myself avoiding dealing with this person because I don’t want to deal with this ‘the sky is falling’ attitude..

However the other day while working with this person I found that much of this has to do with the way they learn a subsystem and this learning process lead to a couple of important things. First, it led them to a more complete understanding of how the app functions rather than a ‘well it just works so we don’t want to touch it’ attitude. It also lead to them finding an issue in the app we didn’t see which had a fairly simple solution.

In the process we both learned from the process. I learned ways to approach a problem which will lead to a deeper understanding of the application and solutions to problems we didn’t even know we had. They learned that the design as it stands supports fairly simple solutions to some tricky problems and, in the process, they gained a more thorough understanding of how the app worked.

So back to the bumper sticker… It occurs to me, that while I may believe that our President is a jackass and is doing a great deal of damage in the world, just because a person has a bumper sticker on their car supporting him doesn’t make them a jackass. It may be that we agree on many points from health care to gay rights to international policy but they may have some perspectives that have led them to believing that Bush could make a positive difference for the country.

I may still think they are a jackass but if I let my instincts stop me from listening and learning then I’m being a bit of a fool myself…

LORD… the weird things I think about while I’m driving.. Guess its the price of a 2 hour commute to work

New Place

Monday, March 31st, 2003 | Giggles | Comments Off on New Place

I’ve been getting a lot of people asking for pictures of the place kevin and I bought and this seems like a good place to plop a link to ’em… In case y’all weren’t aware, back in January K and I bought a new place in Duboce triangle here in the city… Cool old place that was built in 1890… Got old bones and a lot of style.. I’m really proud of it.. haven’t had a lot of time to work on it but thats OK .. That will come in time…

Anyway – here are links to the pix of it:

New Digs

(NOTE: those pictures have the furnature in it from the guys we bought it from – Some are the listing pix and some I took when we closed – but I promise to take a few with our stuff in it soon..)


Monday, March 31st, 2003 | Giggles | Comments Off on Madness?

Found thils flying around from an unknown source and its too good not to pass on (credit goes to Matt for sendin it to me):

“You know the world’s gone mad when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America’s Cup, France is accusing the USA of arrogance and the Germans don’t want to go to war.”

– Chris Rock