
A week on a boat

Friday, May 30th, 2008 | Pete Stuff | 1 Comment


Originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF

I’ve been super busy the last few days / weeks with all sorts of stuff so I haven’t had time to post… But I did want to share some pictures while I have a free second (and just a second)… Kevin and I just got back from spending a week with a whole bunch of friends and family on another one of our live aboard dive boats… We went with my dad, rick, randy, rick’s dad, matt s. matt f. tim c., chris m that I work with, erin, and some other folks r&r know… In case you’re curious all the pictures are posted here… You can also see R&R’s pictures and a video here

more later

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Catching you up

Monday, April 21st, 2008 | Random Morsels | Comments Off on Catching you up

Last few weeks have been crazy in both good and bad ways…. So here is the run down…

Two or three weeks ago Kevin and I took a vacation to go visit family back east. Kevin left first and spent a week in North Carolina with his family an I came 4 days later to spend a few days with them as well. After that we both flew up to Gettysburg to spend a few days with my Dad and new Step mom which was really nice…

After family time Kevin and I went to Washington D.C. to attend a Leadership Summit for the Human Rights Campaign. I wasn’t entirely sure what that was going to be like but it turned out to be a great experience. During the day time they lined up a bunch of speakers and other information on political strategy, politics, and policy initiatives and then in the evenings they had really swanky dinners and events.. overall it was a lot of fun though…

So then we got back and had a week of normalcy… work… dinners at home… walking the dog.. Also had a few HRC events in San Francisco which were fun – i’m very inspired to get more involved with them.

Then came the weekend… Started off well.. Dog walks and housework.. My sister was also in town so Sunday evening we hung out with her. Unfortunately, Sunday afternoon we got a call from Kevin’s nice saying that his Mother was very ill and in the hospital. As the day progressed she got worse and by the end of the day it became clear that he needed to go out there and, sadly, by the time he was about to board the plane she had passed away.

Kevin got out there monday and I showed up tuesday morning on a red eye. We spent the week there and returned to San Francisco on Saturday evening. I won’t go into the rest of the details of the following week out of respect. Suffice it to say the funeral was lovely and everyone, despite the solemn occasion, was very welcoming and loving. The other details are probably a little too raw right now – I may describe more later, who knows

I do have to say though that I feel really lucky to have met Kevin’s mom while she was with us – she’s an amazing lady…

So that’s our last few weeks… uggg… crazy huh? i’m EXHAUSTED and REALLY ready to get back to work.. :):)

more later…

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A few things for a Monday morning

Monday, March 3rd, 2008 | Pete Stuff, Random Morsels | 3 Comments

On my shuttle on the way into work so figured i’d throw a few things out there… All completely unrelated and random – but what the hell! :)… Weekend was good but not many good stories to tell.. Dinner with R&R friday night was great… Chores and work Saturday.. Brunch and the park with Audrey and Brian.. Then walks in the GORGEOUS weather yesterday.. And watched Balls of Fury last night after dinner… Very nice.

Trip back east

Kevin and I spent Saturday morning booking a trip back east to visit family. When we first started looking at this it was stressing me out – not because I didn’t want to see folks but rather just because of all of the variables we had to plan around. We wanted to go to Gettysburg to visit my family, North Carolina to visit Kevin’s family, Washington DC for a set of HRC meetings, and Kevin wanted to stay longer and maybe go to Atlanta. Well we skipped the last part but we managed to find a great set of flights that pulled it all off.. Kevin is going to visit his family on a monday, I’m meeting him there that friday and staying for a few days before we head north to visit my family. after a few days there we’re heading to DC… Now that its all taken care of the trip actually is sounding like a lot of fun to me and i’m really looking forward to it.. I can really use the break.

High Class

We saw the trashiest example of drunken behavior yesterday afternoon… We walked out the front door to go to an early dinner to hear some woman spewing profanities with a slurred voice.. I rolled my eyes and wrote it off to drunks on a sunday coming back from the bar. But when I got a glimpse I saw her unbuttoning her pants and I assumed she was mooning her friends. New but still random drunken-ness so I kept walking. Then I glanced back to see if Kevin was coming only to see that that same girl was doing some strange crab walk with her pants around her ankles – and peeing.. Dear lord… A drunken slutty girl with a foul mouth peeing on the sidewalk about 10 feet from our front stoop – right where our dog craps on a daily basis… NICE…


In reading this article on John McCain trying to distance himself from the endorsement of a Texan pastor. Aparently, in addition to this guy being anti-gay, he’s also spoken about catholics conspiring with Nazis against Jews. Because of this American Catholics have been leaning on McCain to renounce this guy… Thats all well and good – but what I found interesting was this quote:

“By publicly addressing this issue, you will reaffirm to the American public and to Catholics that intolerance and bigotry have no place in American presidential campaigns,” Chris Korzen, executive director of Catholics United, wrote McCain in a letter sent Thursday.

Is it just me or is a quote like this kinda funny coming from a representative of a catholic organization – particularly after things like this coming from the head of that church.. I don’t know.. i’m just sayin! 😉

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In a continuing effort…

Friday, February 22nd, 2008 | Pete Stuff | Comments Off on In a continuing effort…

to ping the blog a little more often here is my morning bus-bound-note! :):)

Though actually not a whole lot to report since yesterday… Our friend Ray is in town visiting from Calgary.. Poor guy came from Canada undoubtedly expecting a little California sunshine. Boy was he wrong… weather here this weekend is going to be NASTY.. rainy and cold… ah well – an excuse for me to finally check out the De Young.. :):)

Other than that just the usual. Am trying to plan a trip back east to visit Kevin’s ‘rents and mine before our dive trip to Fiji in may. so current plan is week in march in Gettysburg and Winston-Salem (Pinnacle actually) and then a week on a boat in Fiji. Neither of them can come fast enough for me.

And on a final silly note, I’ve got a new favorite quote and a new favorite site… I stumbled on Wikiquote… I really enjoy different proverbs and how they translate and this site is full of ’em.. Anyway – found this one and it has seemed kinda fitting lately (and I’m going to plead the fifth when asked why it resonates right now! :):))

Klug zu reden ist doch schwer, klug zu schweigen noch viel mehr

Ok.. thats it for now… more

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